Wednesday, April 13

Snow Much Snow

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Apr 13, 2022

Snow Much Snow

What a great snow year, It's literally off the charts!


Wow, what a great snow year we have had this season at Banff Sunshine Village; it is literally off the charts! Below we have our Snow Water Equivalent chart that tracks the yearly snow depth. The blue line is our current year, the red line is our previous year, and the grey area is our normal range.


Snow Graph.png


At the beginning of the season in October, the snow level was average, but once December rolled around, Ullr came through and brought us an abundance of Canada's Best Snow! As you can see, this season's snow depth since December is well above average.


Our snowpack is excellent; we just had a glorious April powder day, and the sunshine is shining, making for another season of Canada's Best Spring Skiing and Snowboarding. We are wide open until May 23rd, 2022!